Latitude and Longitude
Today in class we took notes on a powerpoint on latitude and longitude. We learned that latitude is known as parallels and run in the east-west direction. We learned that longitude is a geographical coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface. We discussed how inaccurate that map on the board is because it was showing how Antarctica is the same size as all of the other continents combined, and we know that this is incorrect. It also showed Greenland to be even bigger than it is on the Mercader map where it already is too big. Mr. Shick told us that we will eventually be quizzed on identify the latitudes and longitudes of the most significant parallels which are the arctic circle, tropic of cancer, equator, tropic of Capricorn, and antarctic circle. We also talked about how we will have a quiz on all of the maps of America tomorrow. I feel pretty confident with that test because I have practiced it many times, and I also had to label these maps...