How A Message to Garcia relates to the Difficulties of High School

Today in class we talked about how high school is going to be the toughest form of education that we will face. One of the main reasons high school is so difficult is because we are on the move from 6 am til we got home in the evening from our after school activities. We also started to read a little bit of A Message to Garcia. So far we learned that the president is searching for Garcia, but he is nowhere to be found, so they sent a man named Rowan to look for him. We can relate our discussion about the difficulties of high school to A Message to Garcia because Rowan is sent with an extremely challenging task to find Garcia even though no one had a clue to where he was, and high school in high school we are also challenged to complete difficult tasks that are nearly possible to figure out. Even though it seems difficult both Rowan and us students try to complete the task at hand because that's what we are expected to do.


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