Site and Situation Continued

Today in class we took notes on situation. Situation is the location of a place relative to other places, for example, if you live in Bel Air and someone was to ask you where you live you would tell them that you live east of Baltimore. It helps us understand the location of a place that is unfamiliar to us by comparing it to a place that is familiar to us. We also talked about how different places around the world manufacture things and end up sending them halfway across the country. Mr. Shick asked us to look around our desks and see where our belongings were manufactured, and nobody had anything manufactured from the US. We learned that this is because the salary of a factory worker in the US who works 40 hours a week is 8 times more than the salary of a factory worker in China who is working the same amount of time. We also talked about how eventually there will be robots and machines that will take over all of these jobs. We talked about whether or not having self-driving cars is good or bad. I personally don't like the idea of robots driving because it seems scary that robots could replace the things we do today, I feel like we don't need them.


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