First Day Blog

The best part of my first day at John Carroll was lunch because I got to see my friends. This was the best part because I didn't really know many people in my classes since we were all new, so it was nice getting to see my friends that I hadn't seen in a while. The worst part of my day was having to having to hear all of the class rules and guide lines in every class I went to. This was the worst part of my day because it got very tiring and repetitive of hearing the same thing from every teacher, but I understand that that's what they had to do because we are new and it was our first day. I like my seat that I was assigned because I like sitting closer to the front because I am near sighted and I have trouble seeing the board sometimes. I have glasses for distance that I don't wear much, so if I had to sit in the back row I could see, but it's easier sitting in the front row.


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