2 hr delay/Guns, Germs, and Steel Video

Today in class we had a two-hour delay, so the class was only 40 minutes today. We started the class off by looking at pictures of Mr. Schick's dogs in the snow. Then, he showed us pictures from his trip to Maine over Christmas break and showed us the pictures of his daughter getting engaged. After that, we continued watching the Guns, Germs, and Steel video. Today we learned that all great civilizations have three things in common, advanced technology, large populations, and well-organized workforces. Pre-history is the time before anything was written down, and this took place over 13,000 years ago with the hunters and gathers. Papua New Guinea is one of the only places where people still live like hunters and gathers. An important source of food for the Papua New Guineans is sago. Sago has no protein and is low in nutrition, but one tree can give off 70 pounds of it. Sago will you up, but it goes bad soon, so you have to eat it within a few days. Barley and wheat is a far more nutritious and plentiful option than sago. Draa is one of the earliest permanent settlements ever, and it is about 11,500 years old. A granary is a place where people were able to keep food stored on a permanent all year basis. After all that, the class was over.


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