10 point assignment; Demographic Transition

Mr. Schick was out today so we had a sub. He gave us the assignment to watch the three videos that he posted about demographic transition and write three facts that we learned from each video. After we finished writing our facts and watching the videos, we have to write about which video we liked the best and why.

Khan Academy Video:
1) The growth rate measures how much the population of a country grows or shrinks over some time period.

2) To figure out the growth rate of a country, you count how many people were added to the population, and how many people were removed. (growth rate = ((current - initial)/initial) x 100)

3) Most countries have positive growth rates because there are economic benefits since children can work to help support the family, the government sometimes provides incentives to families for each child, and religion influences population growth, because it usually promotes large families.

Video from Kim Smith, Ph.D.:
1) Since the Agricultural Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, the world's population only by 67,000 each year, now we gain that many people every 6 to 7 hours.

2) We are experiencing exponential growth, and it isn't supposed to level off until we hit 9 to 10 billion people in 2050.

3) During stage one, children were defined as assets, usually working for their families.

Why Populations Grow:
1) Japan's population has experienced negative rates of natural increase since 2007 and is expected to lose 21% of its population by 2050.

2) One way to measure population growth is by calculating the doubling time, which is the length of time it takes for a population to double in size. Doubling time is calculated by dividing 70 by the growth rate.

3) The two main factors that influence population change are natural increase and net migration.

The video I liked the best was the Kim Smith video because she talked a lot more smoothly than the speakers in the other videos, which made it easier for me to understand. I also feel like she did a good of explaining the complicated concepts by using good examples and using good pictures and videos. This video also used more pictures than the other, which also made it easier for me.


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