Mr. Schick's Post

Our cyber assignment for today is to write a reflection on the thoughts that Mr. Schick posted on his blog.

The Coronavirus has completely changed everyone's current lifestyles and routines making it difficult for a lot of people to adjust to the change. It sucks but there isn't anything anyone can do about it because the situation is out of our control. The best thing that we can do is try to make the best out of the situation and also put effort into our school. Mr. Schick mentioned how students are tempted to look up an answer or ask a friend, which doesn't help you understand what you are learning. I can relate to this because sometimes some things are really hard or I don't feel like doing them so I want to give up, but that isn't helpful to me because I'm not learning anything and it'll just push me further behind. He also mentions how we should "rise to the occasion, and actually strengthen our resolve to be good people who do excellent work." I agree with this because now is a time where we have more time than ever, so we might as well use it to our advantage rather than just sitting around and not trying to do anything because then you would've just wasted a bunch of weeks out of your life to do nothing. Overall, I think that we should all try to make the best out of the situation and do what you can do to be productive and on top of things.


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Alex. One thing is for sure - NONE of us have ever had to deal with something like this before, and there is no handbook or playbook to refer to. I really like the way you summed it up: "Overall, I think that we should all try to make the best out of the situation and do what you can do to be productive and on top of things." Well said!


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