Population Assignment

Today in class Mr. Schick needed some time to grade some assignments, so he gave us a 10 point population assignment in class.

CIA World Factbook Assignment:
1) Burkino Faso has an unemployment rate of 77%, this being the highest unemployment rate in the world. This relates to our studies because we learned that unemployment can be a big push factor for a country.
2) Angola has a birth rate of 43.70/1000 population, and this is the highest rate in the world. Angola is an African country and we learned that they don't have access to all of the things we have like birth control to stop pregnancies, so they have more. This means that Angola's population should be rapidly increasing. They should have a pre-industrial population pyramid.
3) Syria has the highest net migration rate in the world. Its rate is 57/1000 population, and the second-highest rate is 16.1/1000 population. This means that Syria's net migration rate is at least more than three times bigger than every other country's rate.
4) Central African Republic has a GDP per capita of $700. This is the lowest rate in the world, and in 2015 the GDP was $600, and in 2016 the GDP was $700. This information shows us that it's economy isn't or barely growing.
5) Monaco has the lowest birth rate in the world. Monaco has the third-highest GDP per capita in the world, so they probably have access to birth control and other pregnancy stopping items, making it easier for women not to give birth.

Population Pyramid Assignment:
1) Afghanistan: I predict that its population will rapidly increase because the population is it's largest at the non-reproductive group and gets smaller as is goes up, and this means that the population should grow quickly. After checking the PopulationPyramid.net, I found that my prediction was correct.
2) Rwanda: I predict that its population will rapidly increase because the population is the biggest at the non-reproductive group and gets smaller as it goes up, meaning that the population should grow quickly. After looking at PopulationPyramid.net I found that my prediction was correct.
3) Germany: I predict that its population will decrease because the population is at its largest at around the age of 50, and that is in the non-reproductive group, so there won't be that many babies that will be produced. After looking at PopulationPyramid.net, I found that my prediction about the population decreasing was correct.
4) Thailand: I predict that its population will slowly increase because its the largest at 30-45 and those are reproductive ages, so the population will increase but not rapidly. After I checked PopulationPyramid.net, I found that my prediction was incorrect. The population is supposed to stay the same for a few decades, then it will decrease.
5) Colombia: I predict that the population will slowly increase because the population is at its largest in the reproductive group, so there will be offspring produced, but it won't grow rapidly because the population would need to be its largest in the non-reproductive group. After I checked PopulationPyramid.net I found that my prediction was correct.


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