Population and Settlement Review

Today in class we reviewed the terms from our population and settlement unit. At the beginning of class, Mr. Schick told us that he was thinking about giving us a pop quiz but decided against it because he didn't want us to bomb them and have to explain to our parents why we are failing quarter two during is parent-teacher conferences. So instead of a pop quiz, Mr. Schick just asked us the questions from the quiz and had us answer them out loud. Some of the questions included birth and death rates, net migration rates, life expectancy rates, and population questions. Pretty much everything we talked about was on our population and settlement test. I was asked a question about net migration, and whether the country had a positive or negative migration rate. I got the question wrong because I had not been paying attention and I didn't know I was being called on. At the end of class, Mr. Schick told us the date of our final exam, which is right before Christmas Break. Mr. Schick also told us that once we get back from Christmas Break, we will have about a week and a half left of the quarter before we move into the next semester. Mr. Schick told us about how they used to the exam after Chrismas Break because it's the end of the quarter, but he suggested we take it before the break so the information is still fresh in our minds. After that discussion, class ended.


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