Greek Poem

Our cyber assignment today is to write a poem about something.

In 495 BC a great leader was born
Loved to learn
Music, politics, ethics, and philosophy stuck out to him
Ruled during the Golden Age
Lead Athens through the Peloponnesian War

He had a plan
Stay behind the city walls  
Don't fight back
This worked until disaster struck
A plague was brought into the city walls of Athens

The Athenians failed to keep their heads up
They stopped caring 
They lived with a certain mindset
"why be good if the good and bad die just as easily"
The plague wiped nearly 1/3 of the population

Pericles was struck with the plague
He had a great biographer, Plutarch
He wrote about his sufferings
After fighting for six months
Athens greatest leader died in 429 BC


  1. Well done, Alex! A fine tribute to a good, but flawed, man.


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