The Twelve Tables

Before the Twelve Tables, the plebeians, the commoners, didn't have many rights. Although they didn't have many rights, plebeians made up most of the population at the time. After a while, the plebeians got tired of not having a say in things. In 490 BC they plebeians stood up to the patricians demanding that they get some some, the patricians didn't budge. This causes the Conflict of Orders, a political struggle over power and say in Ancient Rome. The plebeians weren't planning on giving up their fight so they decided to have mass protests and threatened the patricians with their large armed force. The patricians finally had enough and gave them some power, giving them the Tribune of Plebs and having a say in legal matters. In 451 BC, ten Roman officials wrote down the Roman laws on wooden tablets and put them up at the forum, these laws are known as the Twelve Tables. Later on they changed the tablets to be bronze so they would last longer. The Twelve Tables were made to show that all Romas are equal.


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