The Roman Empire

- Rome's increasing wealth and expanding boundaries brought many serious problems such as discontent among the lower classes of society and a breakdown in military order; these problems lead to the republic
- The rich started buying large farm estates which made it hard for smaller farmers to compete making a lot of them jobless and homeless
- Two tribune brothers named Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus tried to help Rome's poor by proposing reforms as limiting the size of estates and giving land to the poor 
- Their helping of the poor gave them lots of enemies which resulted in both of them being killed (Tiberius in 133 BC) (Gaius in 121 BC).
- After their deaths, civil war broke out in Rome
- In 60 BC military leader Julius Ceasar joined forces with Crassus and Pompey
- For the next 10 years, Rome was dominated by these three leaders
- They were in a triumvirate: a group of three rulers
- Caesar lead a successful campaign to conquer all of Gaul during 58-50 BC.
- Pompey had concerns about Caesar being the leader so he had the senate order, Caesar, to disband his legions in 50 BC.
On January 10, 49 B.C., Caesar took his army across the Rubicon River, making Pompey flee; in 46 BC, Caesar returns to Rome with the popularity and support from the masses.
- In 44 BC Julius Caesar was named dictator for life until he was assassinated on March 15, 44 BC in the senate chamber.
- The second Roman triumvirate came into power in 43 BC, lasting for 10 years; the leaders were Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus, but all good things came to end... and those three eventually became rivals
- Octavian earned the title Augustus (exalted one) when he became the unchallenged ruler of Rome.
- Augustus' rule sparked the peak of power in Rome for 207 years. This period of peace and prosperity was called Pax Romana and it went from 27 BC to 180 AD.
- While in power, Augustus stabilized the frontier, glorified Rome, and created a system of government that survived for centuries, and set up a civil service.
- In 14 AD, Augustus died, but Rome was able to remain the empire's stability
- 90% of Romans were farmers
- 1/3 of Rome's total population was slaves making them have more use of slaves than every previous civilization
- The earliest Romans worshipped powerful spirits/divine forces, called lumina, that they thought resided in everything around them; Lares were the guardian spirits of each family.
- During the Pax Romana, the religion of Christianity started to rise in Rome.



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