
- 18-year-old Octavian takes over after Caesar's death
- Octavian has his triumvirate which consists of him, Mark Antony, and Lepidus; this is the second triumvirate
- Octavian eventually forces Lepidus to retire and he becomes rivals with Mark Antony
-Mark Antony militarily, personally, politically, and economically partners with Cleopatra of Egypt, but Octavian defeats them at Battle of Actium
- Octavian becomes the unchallenged ruler of Rome; now Rome is an empire, not a republic
- imperator --> supreme military commander (where the word emperor comes from)
- Octavian rules the empire for 40 years (27 BC to AD 14)
- He began the Pax Romana (a stable era of peace and prosperity) which was 207 years long (27 BC to AD 180)
- Some of Octavian's accomplishments were expanding the Roman Empire further into Africa and setting up a civil service to run the government/empire
- He died of natural causes
- After Octavian’s death, power was passed down to emperors
- Tiberius: rule lasted from AD 14 to AD 37; he was a great general, but a reluctant emperor; after the death of his son he exiled himself from Rome and left his prefects in charge; at 77 he died
- Caligula: rule lasted from AD 37 to AD 41; was known for his cruelty, extravagance, and perversity (he was an insane tyrant); in hopes of re-establishing the Republic (didn't work), a group of praetorian guards, senators, and the imperial court assassinated him
- Claudius: rule lasted from AD 41 to AD 54; he suffered from many infirmities possibly because of cerebral palsy; he ruled well; his wife killed him with poison because she wanted her son Nero to rise to power
- Nero: rule lasted from AD 54 to AD 68; he emphasized the arts; he wanted to make Rome more majestic; one of his downfalls was that he hugely overspent, even raided the temples for money; historians are not too fond of him


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