Ancient Rome Notes

- The Etruscans were Rome settlers who were coming from the north-central part of the peninsula; most of their jobs were metalworkers, artists, and architects
- Etruscans had 2 foundation myths: Virgil's Aeneid and the story of Remus and Romulus
- The Greeks also settled in Rome; they had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea
- The Romans ended up adopting a lot of Greek ideas such as their religious beliefs, their alphabet, a lot of their art, and military techniques and weapons
- The first settlers in Rome were the Latins; they descended from the Indo-Europeans
- When they got there, they settled on the banks of the Tiber; they were situated so trading ships, not war fleets, could navigate no further than Rome
- They built on the seven hills; Remus wanted Aventine and Romulus chose Palatine
- There many streams that flowed into the Tiber and there was a marsh area called the Forum, between Palatine and Capitoline Hills
- Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (aka Tarquin the Proud or Tarquin the Arrogant) was the seventh and final king of Rome; he was a true tyrant, in the old and modern sense of the world


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