Essay Question

My essay question would be: Who were Philip II, Alexander the Great, Bucephalus, and Darius III and what is the relation between them?

My first paragraph would be about Philip II, covering what he did during his rule and the foundation he built for his son Alexander the Great before he was possibly assassinated by Darius III, which would lead me to the second paragraph where I write about Alexander the Great and write about all that he's accomplished by himself and with his horse. The third paragraph would be about Bucephalus where I would describe the relationship between him and Alexander the Great and what they accomplished together including when they defeated Darius III's army at the Granicus. My fourth paragraph would be about Darius III where I mention what he did during his rule and give the reasons as to why he might've assassinated Philip II. My fifth paragraph would briefly wrap all these ideas together and restate how all of them are related.


  1. This sounds VERY interesting! I like the idea of playing up all the connections - should be a terrific paper!


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