Why Did Philosophers Question Things?

Our cyber assignment for today is to write about why we think Socrates and Sophists like Protagoras started questioning traditional beliefs.

I think the thing that sparked all of the questioning and philosophers in Greek was when Socrates stood up in front of the assembly on the ship home, stating his belief that the generals shouldn't be put to death for leaving behind the oversea soldiers. No one really listened to Socrates, but this was one of the first times that someone was trying to contradict/question the public's ideas/Greek tradition. Another thing that might have sparked the philosophers to question traditional beliefs was after the war when the Athenians started to lose hope in their democratic government and started questioning things. The Sophist philosophers questioned people's unexamined beliefs and ideas about justice and other traditional values. Protagoras was a famous Sophist known for questioning the Greek Gods. I think that he might've questioned the Greek Gods because he found it crazy to believe that there are all these mythical creations that have so much power over us, yet we can't see them. He might've also believed that there was a different explanation on how and why the Earth worked, rather than a bunch of gods controlling it. I think that Socrates may have questioned things because, like Protagoras, he believed that there's a deeper meaning to the world. Socrates has a famous quote "The unexamined life is not worth living," and I think that this just shows how he believes that there is so much more to the world than what we are taught to believe.


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