Phillip II, Alexander the Great, and Darius III

Our cyber assignment today is to write brief biographies on Phillip II, Alexander the Great, and Darius III, and make not about their connections to each other.

Phillip II or "Philip of Macedon" was the 18th king of Macedonia. During his rule, he restored internal peace to his country. By 339 BC, King Philip II had gained domination over Greece by military and diplomatic means. He laid the foundations for expansion for his son, Alexander the Great. He was assassinated in July, the assassination might have been initiated by Darius III.

Alexander the Great was born in Pella which is Macedonia, Ancient Greece Kingdom. His leadership reigned from 336 - 323 BC. During his rule, he united the Greek city-states and led the Corinthian League. Alexander the Great also became the king of Persia, Babylon, and Asia, and created Macedonian colonies in those places. He died of malaria in Babylonia while considering the conquests of Carthage and Rome. Alexander defeated Darius III's Achaemenid army at the Granicus.

Darius III was the last king of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia, ruling from 336 - 330 BC. His empire was very unstable because there were big parts of it being ruled by jealous and unreliable satraps and it was inhabited by disaffected and rebellious subjects. Darius III had sent Alexander the Great two letters, one of friendship and the other was a ransom for his family who had previously abandoned. Alexander denied both of these letters and ended up defeating him at Issus.


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