Pericles' Plan

Our cyber assignment today is to watch part of the "Crucible of Civilization" episode 3 and analyze the video in a paragraph.

The video starts with the Spartans invading Athenian property and burning all of their farmland. All of this took place outside of the city walls, so all of the Athenians stayed behind the city walls and watched to Spartans destroy their land. Pericles wanted the Athenians to stick to his plan and stay behind the walls not fighting back. A year into the war, one of the cargo ships brought a plague to Athens. The plague quickly spread like wildfire, it became so deadly that people stooped caring about religion and the law. People also stopped being good due to their mindset of "why be good if the good and bad die just as easily." The plague ended up killing over 1/3 of the Athenian population. The plague then struck Pericles. Plutarch, Pericles' biographer, wrote about the suffering he went through while he was sick. Six months later, in 429 BC, Pericles died. After his death, it soon became clear that Pericles was the one holding Athens up. The flaws in the Athenian democracy also became apparent. People were now fighting to gain power, giving the Athenian democracy the potential to turn into mob rule.


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