Getting Greece Part 1 Test Back

Today in class we went over ou Greece part one tests and started to take notes on part two of the Greece unit. I got a 90 on the test, and I only got four questions wrong. The first question I got wrong was about who invaded Mycenae burning palace after palace, I said the Dorians, but the correct answer was the "sea people" I was confused during the test because I thought that they were the same thing, but Mr. Schick confirmed in class today that they are different. The next question I got wrong was "which of the following was not necessary to be a citizen of Athens?" I said that you didn't have to be an adult, but the correct answer was that you didn't have to be born in Greece. Mr. Schick told us that that was somewhat a trick question and probably the hardest on the test because Athens is in Greece, so you did have to be born in Greece, but it had to be specifically in Athens. The next question I got wrong was if you stole a head of cabbage in 621 BCE, what would be your punishment? I said that there would be no punishment because cabbage didn't grow in Greece, but the correct answer would've been that you'd been put to death. I originally put that you would be put to death because I knew that this was during the Draconian period, but I thought that it might've been a trick question because cabbage wasn't part of the Greek diet, and there wasn't much fertile land. The last question that I got wrong was which of the following is not true about the dactylic hexameter? I said that it was the meter used in both the Iliad and the Odyssey, but the correct answer was that it can only be used in Greek poetry, and does not translate well to other languages. I wasn't very sure about that question, so I wasn't surprised that I got it wrong. After that, we took notes on the Greek gods and goddesses until class was over.


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