Democracy and Greece's Golden Age

Our first cyber school assignment is to read pages 134-139 in the textbook and answer Mr. Schick's question in paragraph format:

Pericles was a wise Athenian ruler who held onto support from the citizens for 32 years. He helped Athens thrive from 461-429 BC (aka the Age of Pericles). Pericles had three main goals for Athens: 1) strengthen the Athenian democracy 2) hold and strengthen the empire 3) glorify Athens. Direct democracy is a type of government where citizens rule directly and not through representatives. This was one of the greatest attributes of Periclean Athens. Athens was one of the only-city sates that had a direct democracy. After the Persian defeat, Athens formed the Delian League. The Delian league was an alliance of Greek city-states that would be used to protect each other from Persian rule and other possible attacks. Thanks to Pericles, Athens had the strongest navy in the empire, which helped them strengthen their safety. Some of the cities in Peloponnesus, Sparta being one of them, did not want to be apart of the Delian League so they went off and formed their own alliances.


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