Cyber School

Our cyber assignment today is to write about our thoughts on cyber school so far,

So far I think that cyber school has been a little confusing and overwhelming because it's hard sometimes to know what some of my teachers are asking me to do, so I don't really understand my assignments. It's also hard for me to organize all of my documents and making sure I'm submitting them to the right teacher. Other than those two things, I think that my teachers have been giving me reasonable amounts of work to complete each day. My teachers also have been helpful in answering my questions about their assignments, but it's still sometimes confusing. Another thing that can be confusing is that all of the teachers have different ways they want us to submit things and I'll get confused forget which way they want me to submit the assignments. I think it's a confusing thing for everyone and we are all still adjusting to online learning, so hopefully, it'll get easier as time goes on.


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