Crucible of Civilization Video Pt 2

Today in class we continued watching the Crucible of Civilization video. Mr. Schick was out today, so we had a sub and watched the rest of the video on the projector. The video pretty much-summed everything that we learned up, so I took notes on the important events that we already knew to just make sure I remember them. The notes I took were:

- the vase was Athens first really good artistic creation
- in 527 BC Pisistratus died and Hippias took over
- in 514 BC Hippias' brother was murdered which made him vengeful and had a very harsh rule
- Cleisthenes decided to overthrow Hippias for himself and his family
- during 510 BC, Cleisthenes was one of the most powerful citizens in Athens
- the Olympics were the highlights to any visitor and they began in 776 BC
- the Olympics gave the Greeks a chance to show their heroism
- the Greek lifestyle was to "Seize power however and whenever you can"
- Isagorus was an Athenian aristocrat who gained power by turning outside of Athens and to the Spartans for support
- Cleisthenes was their first target
- 508 BC was the first revolution in history
- Athenians turned back to Cleisthenes after he was ostracized and asked for his help to rule Athens
- Cleisthenes initiated the first democracy

After that, we had the last 20 minutes of class to write our blogs.


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