Crucible of Civilization Video Pt 1

Today in class we started to watch a video about Ancient Greece called "Crucible of Civilization". Since we had finished all of the notes in the PowerPoint and read all of the important parts in the textbook, we watched a documentary that sums up a lot of things that we just learned. While watching the video, we paused it during the important information and took notes, some of the notes I took were...

- 508 BC --> first revolution known to man
- 570 BC --> Cleisthenes was born
- Herodotus --> first great Greek historian
- Aristocrats were members of the ruling class
- Acropolis: a big outcropping of rock in the center of Athens
- life expectancy was about 15 years in Athens
- helots --> slaves forced into labor
- The heroic ideal is what drove everyone; you should try to be the greatest person you could possibly be
- Pisistratus: gained power from Athena; reduced taxes and provided free loans

We watched about half of the video, and then we had about five minutes left to write our blogs.


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