Athen's Plague vs Corona

Our cyber assignment today is to compare the plague that hit Athens during the Peloponnesian War with COVID-19.

In 430 BC while Athens was under the Spartan's siege, they were struck with a deadly plague. The plague ended up infecting 75,000 - 100,000 people over a span of three years, and about 25% of the population died. The plague was brought to Athens from a cargo ship. This is similar to the Coronavirus because like the plague in Athens, it's spreading like wildfire. There are currently over 500,000 cases in the world and there are over 20,000 deaths. The difference between the two is that Corona is a pandemic and the Athen's plague only affected Athens because they were not allowed to leave the city walls of Athens to protect themselves from the Spartans. We also have an advantage over the Athenians because we have a lot more knowledge about hygiene and a lot more advanced technology. We haven't been able to find a cure, but we have better safety precautions to take than the Athenians. Both of the diseases are highly infectious and will continue to spread if people don't make an effort to stay safe.


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