Ancient Greece pop quiz

Today in class we had a pop quiz on Ancient Greece and finished the notes for Ancient Greece part two. The pop quiz was 10 questions mainly about the Greek gods and philosophers. I got 8 out of the 10 questions right. The two I got wrong were the one about the god of music and wisdom, I said Artemedis instead of Apollo, and I got the question about the Persian war wrong, I said that they didn't take over Greece in Ionia, but the answer was is that they didn't defeat the Greeks in certain battle. After that, we took notes about Aristotle on the last two pages of the PowerPoint. The notes that I took were:

- Aristotle --> student of Plato at the academy; helped foster the idea of Athens as an intellectual destination; his school, the Lyceum, focused on cooperative research, building on knowledge gathered from all over the world.
- Did Aristotle invent the internet?: not exactly, but he did dream of having the sum of mankind's knowledge easily accessed in one location; he wrote extensively on such topics as logic, physics, biology, ethics, politics, rhetoric, motion, theatre, poetry, metaphysics, psychology, dreams, and more; he also taught Alexander the Great.

After that, he had the whole rest of the class to write our blogs and work on other stuff.


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