"The Allegory of the Cave"

Today in class we read "The Allegory of the Cave." At the beginning of class, Mr. Schick handed back our Egypt quizzes, and I got a 75%. I got 4 questions wrong and misspelled one question. After that, we read "The Allegory of the Cave." At the beginning of the story, there are these prisoners in this cave where they are shackled so they are facing a wall. Behind them, there is a wall with light, and there are these statues that are being moved. The prisoners are able to see the shadows of these statues and hear noises. There are three stages of liberation: 1. the prisoner is freed, 2. the prisoner goes out of the cave 3. the prisoner sees the sun. The prisoner then has to go back down into the cave after he saw real light, and now he'll never be able to look at the shadows the same anymore. This story can be seen as a depiction of Socrates' death. Socrates found a different way to learn and teach people, but the authorities didn't like that, so he was put to death. This can also show how the Greeks like to stick to their roots and aren't open to change. I think that this story is telling us that we can live by routine where we only do the things that we know. This isn't necessarily bad, but you don't know what else there is out there, and one day you will, and your view on life could be completely shifted. I think that his message was that we should always be open to new things because it could change our lives completely. We had a long discussion in class about the allegory, and after that, we had around ten minutes to start our blogs.


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