Land of the Pharos powerpoint

Today in class we continued reviewing the Land of the Pharaoh powerpoint. For the first few minutes of class, we had some free time because we had someone that had to make up their Mesopotamia test because of all the sicknesses. After that, we had a seven-question pop quiz on Egypt. I got 5 out of the seven questions right. The two that I got wrong were very dumb mistakes. The first one was what were the pyramids built for, and I wrote learning centers when the answer should have been tombs. That should have been a pretty easy answer, but I think I overthought the question. The second question that I got incorrect was the one about what provided the barriers for the Egyptians, and I wrote that the Nile River provided the barriers, but the correct answer was the deserts. That was another stupid mistake on my part. Then, we continued to take notes on the land of the pharos powerpoint. Some of the notes I took were that Egyptian astronomers created a calendar with 12 months and 365 days to make a better sense of the seasonal cycles. Due to their excellent knowledge of human anatomy, Egyptian doctors wrote extensively on health issues and created potions and cures for numerous common ailments. Wooden sailboats were constructed to increase transportation ability on the Nile. The Pyramids were massive stone tombs. The Temple of Amon at Karnak is the largest religious building in the world. After that, class was over.


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