Greece Test Part 1

Today in class we took part one of the Greek tests. I feel like I did pretty good in this test. There were probably only three questions that I was unsure of but other than that I felt pretty confident in my answers. I thought that this test would be pretty difficult for me because I missed class yesterday and didn't take as much time as I usually do to study, but I felt like it went pretty well. There were three short answer questions, and they were to describe three geographical things about Greece and how they influenced their culture, what is your opinion about the Homeric question, and what's the significance of the "Allegory of the Cave." For the first question I wrote about their mountainous land and how it wasn't fertile, so they needed to trade; they were surrounded by water, so sea-bourne trade was a big thing for them; and they had nice weather, meaning that they participated in a lot of outdoor activities. For the second question I wrote about how I believe that Homer did exist. For the last question, I described the plot of the "Allegory in the Cave" and talked about how you won't know anything else if you live your life doing the same thing, and that the story can be related to Socrates' death. There was a section where we had to match cities, seas, and countries to their location on the map, and I think that I did pretty good there. There was a section where we had to match the river to its civilization, and I felt pretty confident about that. Finally, there were a lot of multiple-choice questions, and for the most part, I feel like I got most of them right. After that, we sat quietly until everyone was done their tests. Once everyone was finished, we had the rest of the class to write our blogs.


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