Ancient Greece Test Prep

Today in class we went over what would be on our Ancient Greece test on Thursday. Some of the things that we went over were to study the map, know what’s significant about their geography, arable means that it’s suitable for farming, know the Greek diet, their climate led to outdoor activity, know about the Mycenaeans, Minoans, and Dorians, the Iliad was about the Trojan war, the odyssey was about someone’s journey home from the Trojan war, the dark ages were from 1150-750 BCE when the Dorians took over, know what the Homeric question, we need to know the essential government terms, know what a symposium is, know about Draco and Solon’s rule, and Cleisthenes created the council of 500. After that, we took some more notes which were that Hippias was a tyrant who ruled from 527-510 BCE, his brother was murdered and his rule became harsh, he was eventually ostracized from Athens, in revenge he began working with the Persian king Darius I, helping them invade Marathon, with Hippias gone, Isagoras and Cleisthenes engaged in a power struggle, isagorus had support from the aristocrats and Sparta, Cleisthenes had support from the Athenian citizens, they revolted against Isagorus’ tyranny, they trap isagorus on the acropolis for two days and on the third day he fled and banished, all of this happened in 508 BCE. After that, class was over.


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