Quiz Prep

Today in class we reviewed some of our terms for the quiz on Wednesday. Some of the terms we went over were...

polytheism: the belief in many gods

dynasty: series of rulers all from the same family

modern-day countries in the fertile crescent are: Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey

the most important element in the epic of Gilgamesh is the great flood which is also in Noah's Ark

silt: the soil left behind when flood water is received

ziggurat: a Sumerian temple built on top of a "mountain" of earth

cuneiform: the earliest form of writing (made by Sumerians)

Another word for the New Stone Age is Neolithic

Another word for the Old Stone Age is Paleolithic

The wheel and plow made it possible to produce enough food for storage.

After doing that for half of the class, we had the rest of our time to work on our blogs.


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