Prehistory and Civilization Power Point

Today in class we finished reading chapter one in our Western Civilizations textbook and went through the prehistory and civilizations powerpoint. In the4 beginning of class, Mr. Schick let us pick our new seats for Western Civilizations, and those will be our seats for the rest of the year. After that, he had us read and take notes on chapter one in our textbooks. Some notes I took were that the rivers framing Mesopotamia were the Tigris and Euphrates. There was one advantage to the Sumerians in Mesopotamia and that was good soil. There were three disadvantages: unpredictable flooding combined with a period of little to no rain, there were no barriers for protection, and the natural resources of Sumer were limited. The Sumerians created solutions to these disadvantages and they were to dig irrigation ditches to provide water, the built city walls with mud bricks for defense and Sumerians traded their goods with the people of the mountains and deserts in exchange for raw materials. Then, we started to look through Mr. Schick's PowerPoint for this unit and take notes. Some notes I took were that populations rose due to increased ability to produce surplus food, and the wheel and plow made it possible to produce enough food for storage. After that, the class was over.


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