Last day of HumanGeo

Today was our last Human Geography class. There were two people that had to make up their tests during class today, so we had the whole class to write our last blog about this semester. I thought that this was a pretty good semester for me. I feel like at the beginning of this semester, I had some struggles with understanding the material. I feel like my strongest time was towards the end of the semester. I was doing better on the tests and was able to understand the material a lot better. I am very happy with my final exam grade which was a 92, that was one of my highest (if not the highest) exam grade I got. I feel like this class helped me a lot with the ability to learn from conversations and video, rather than learning from a piece of paper. I also thought that the topic that we learned was pretty interesting. My favorite topic was probably Guns, Germs, and Steel, and my least favorite was population and settlement. Overall, I think this was a very good semester of human geography, and I hope that next semester will be good too.


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