
Today in class we watched an episode of the teen Jeopardy competition. At the beginning of class, we reviewed some of the main concepts of Guns, Germs, and Steel because we have a test tomorrow. The test is worth 100 points and will be multiple choice. Some of the concepts we need to know are the answer to Yali's question, sago, the fertile crescent, and the 14 domesticated animals. Jared Diamond's answer to Yali's question is geographic luck meaning that the people with domesticated animals and fertile land would be considered geographically blessed. Sago is one of the main sources of food in Papua New Guinea. You can get 70lbs from one tree, but it is very poor in nutrition. It can fill you up, but you have to eat it within a few days or it will go bad. The fertile crescent was an area of land in the middle east that was geographically blessed. The 14 domesticated animals are sheep, goats, cows, pigs, horses, Arabian camels, Bactrian camels, llamas, donkeys, reindeer, water buffalo, yaks, Bali cattle, and mithans. After we brushed up on those concepts, we still had 40 minutes left of class, so we watched an episode of teen Jeopardy. We found out that most of us are just as smart or smarter than the contestants on the show. After watching one episode, the class was over.


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