GG&S Test

Today we had our test on Guns, Germs, and Steel. It was a twenty-six question multiple-choice test that was worth 100 points. The test was pretty easy, and I feel like probably got an A or a B on it. The trickiest part for me was the last page because there were a few questions that I wasn't sure of. I feel like I was prepared for this test, I had studied for it on quizlet and I feel like I took pretty good notes from the past few classes. I also feel like I was able to pick up a lot of information from the film that we watched on Guns, Germs, and Steel. One of the questions I couldn't remember was how many cows are in the US. I remember that we talked about this in class, but I couldn't remember the number, so I just took my best guess using my knowledge of how many people are in the US. The other question I didn't know was about a village in Jordan 9000 years, so I just took my best guess. Overall, I think this was a pretty good test, and I feel like I should do pretty good on it.


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