Demographic Transition

Today in class we read through and highlighting keys parts from a section of a new human geography textbook that we will be using sometimes. At the beginning of class, we talked about how we have less than 3 weeks left of school, and that we have an essay test on Friday, December 13. We will have the whole class period to work on our essay. After that discussion, Mr. Schick told us that we haven't had a textbook in the class for a while because the textbook that they used to use a way too complicated and wasn't made for a freshman in high school. They weren't able to find a book that was right for this class until now. Mr. Schick printed out a few pages from a chapter of this new textbook on demographic transition and we were supposed to read and highlight it.  It wasn't too hard to follow because it had a lot to do with our population and settlement unit. After we read and highlighted the packet, Mr. Schick handed back our 5 religions quiz and we went over the answers in class. I got an 88% on my quiz, getting only three questions wrong, so I am pretty happy with my grade.


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