Demographic Transition Video

Today in class we rewatched the Khan Academy video in demographic transition video. At the beginning of class Mr. Schick to a vote on which of the three videos we liked the best from our assignment yesterday. The video that had the most votes was the Khan Academy one so we watched that again. I voted for the Kim Smith video because it had more pictures and her voice wasn't monotone. The Khan Academy video was the one I struggled with most because it doesn't show any pictures, and it just stays on the same screen the whole time. They draw stuff on the screen to show the different stages, but it feels kind of boring to me which makes it hard to follow. The Khan Academy said that there are five stages instead of four. Mr. Schick told us that most sources will say that there are four stages, but there could be a fifth stage in the future. The fifth stage isn't solidified yet because there aren't many countries that are in this stage yet, but there are countries that are getting closer, so stage five will most likely be in the near future. After we rewatched the video, we had about 10 minutes left of class time to write our blogs.


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