Demographic Transition Test

Today in class we took our demographic transition test. I forgot to write down that we have a test in my notes, so I forgot that the test was today. However, I got to school pretty early today so I had some time to study before the day started. Even though I was unprepared, the test wasn't too difficult because we talked about most of this stuff during class. I think that I will probably get a B or a C on this test. I probably would've one a little better if I had better prepared myself but I tried to remember as much as I could from class. This test was worth fifty points, so hopefully, I do okay on it. After we all finished our tests, we talked a little bit about our exam and essay test. For the essay test, Mr. Schick is going to post the questions on his blog and we can write a practice essay before the test and have a friend read over it so you can be prepared. That is going to make this a lot easier since we will already know what we want to write about. That test will be on Friday of this week. Our exam is going to be 100 questions on a scantron sheet. Our exam is going to be on Wednesday of exam week and Mr. Schick isn't going to be our proctor, because he is proctoring the other honors section. After talking about our upcoming tests and exams, we had the rest of the class to write our blogs.


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