Demographic Transition day 2

Today in class we continued learning about demographic transition. We first went over the packet that we highlighted and read about each of the stages of demographic transition. Stage one is the low growth stage. During the first stage, there is a very high crude birth rate, a very high crude death rate, and a very low rate of natural increase. Most of human history was spent in stage one, but there is no country today that is still in stage one. During stage two there is a high crude birth rate, rapidly declining crude death rate, and a very high rate of natural increase. Europe and North America entered stage two as a result of the industrial revolution. In the late-twentieth-century, developing countries entered stage two due to the medical revolution. During stage three there is a rapidly declining crude birth rate, moderately declining crude death rate, and a moderate rate of natural increase. Countries move from stage two to stage three when people have fewer children. During stage four there is a very low crude birth rate, low or slightly increasing crude death rate, and zero or negative natural rate of increase. Countries usually enter stage four when women enter the labor force instead of staying at home moms. Stage five is not quite established yet, but it is said that some western and northern European countries are facing population decline, which would be known as stage five. After this we watched to videos further explaining this, than class ended.


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