Country Solution Project

Today in class we picked groups for the new project we are doing. For the project each group will choose two countries, one developing and one post-industrial, and we have to find a solution to one of their main issues. To choose groups, Mr. Schick chose four people to go upfront and choose from a list of our class and make groups. They chose groups in secret so we wouldn't know the order of who they picked. Mr. Schick decided to do it this way so no one would have to worry about getting picked last. I ended up being in a group with Charlotte, Maddie, and Reagan. I'm happy with my group because I'm friends with all of them and I think we'll do a good job. Choosing groups took up a lot of class time, but once that was finished we got into our groups and found our countries. It took us a little while to choose our countries because we couldn't really think of any countries off of the top of our heads. After a few minutes of looking through the world factbook, we decided to choose Canada as our post-industrial country and Yemen as our developing country. Yemen has a lot of issues so it shouldn't be too hard to find one we can come up with a solution for. Canada, on the other hand, doesn't have as many issues so that'll be a little more of a challenge. At the end of class, Mr. Schick told us that all of the countries that everyone picked are all spread out on different continents so we will have a good variety of countries in the presentations.


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