Population Test

Today in class we took a test on population. Mr. Schick gave us the first ten minutes of class to study for the test. I reviewed my notes and looked at one of my previous population quizzes. I felt like we have been learning about this unit for so long and have taken a bunch of quizzes on it, so I felt like I should do pretty well on the test. The test was 40 multiple choice questions that we took on a scantron sheet. I felt like knew some of the answers on the first page, but some of the questions I felt like I had some of my definitions mixed up. The page after that was a little easier. The next part of the test was matching population pyramids with their countries. I knew the first two countries, but I didn't remember the last one, so I tried to make a logical guess. There was another section where we had to match countries with facts about them, and I felt that that one was pretty easy too. The rest of the test was more questions relating to population. I think that I found those questions the hardest because I mix up some of the names of certain rates with each other. Overall, I think that I did a decent job on the test, I could've probably prepared myself a little more to do better. I think I studied well for the test, but I probably should've reviewed my definitions a little more. After the test, Mr. Schick let us write our blog posts.


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