Population Test Review

Today in class we reviewed our population test. I got an 83 on my test, which dropped my grade down by a few percentages. I feel like I probably could've reviewed my terms a little more thoroughly, but I think that I tried pretty hard on this test. When we reviewed the test, I didn't feel like I would've known the answers to the questions I got wrong, so that probably means that I need to listen a little more carefully in class, and take better notes. Most of the parts that I got wrong were about population terms. I struggled with this part on the last test too, I think it's because I get easily confused with some terms because they sound similar or have similar meanings. Mr. Schick told us that our exam is one day and four weeks from today. I will definitely prepare myself better than I have been with the last few assessments. I will probably make a quizlet or some flashcards so I can really memorize those definitions. After the test review, Mr. Schick told us that we are going to learn about five different religions, and we will have a quiz on them in three days. The five religions are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism. We started taking notes on Christianity during the last ten minutes of class so we could get a head start on the notes before we take the quiz. After we finished taking notes on Christianity, class ended.


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