Hans Rosling Video

Today in class we took a quiz on the Hans Rosling video that we watched. The video contained a graph that showed the life expectancy rate and GDP per capita of all of the countries in different years. In 1810 the life expectancy rate for every country was under 40 years of age. The high of all of the countries is Luxemburg, and the low of all of the countries is Congo. The quiz was 10 questions and was worth 10 points. I was absent last class so today was my first time seeing this video, but I feel like I did pretty good on the quiz. The only questions that I didn't know were the causes of a decrease in the global population. After we finished our quiz, we passed our papers to the person in front of us and they graded it for us. We went through answers by going through the test powerpoint and answering the questions out loud. I think that I got a 9/10 on the quiz, and I'm happy with that, especially with the fact that I wasn't there yesterday. Today there was a community bell, so class was only 45 minutes today.


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