Country Solution Project grading

Today in class we watched the last presentation for the country solution project.  The last group talked about Italy and Tanzania. They had a lot of information on their powerpoint, and they did a pretty good job. After that Mr, Schick had given everyone in our group a grade. I think that we all did our work and there was no one that didn't do it anything or someone that did it all. I have my three group members 94s because they all did a good job on their slide, but they could've done a little more research. They all got the same grade because they all did their fair share of work. I gave myself an 89 because I did my work, but when we presented I didn't do very well, and my solution turned out to be inaccurate. I would've given myself the same grade as them if my information on my slide was correct because I spent as much time as them on my project, it just didn't turn out as good. I think that for the most part, we used our time wisely, but on the first day, we could've been a little more productive. We had about 25 minutes left of class and Mr. Schick let us write our blogs and spend the rest of the time working on something else productive.


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