Country Solution Project day 2

Today in class we worked on our country solution project. My group decided to give each person one slide to work on in our google slide. The first slide was about Canada's problems, the second was about our solutions to the problems, the third is about Yemen's problems, and the fourth was about our solutions to the problems. We had a lot of trouble with finding a problem for Canada because it is a pretty stable country, so Mr. Schick told us that that's what we can talk about for that slide. My slide was the one about the solutions to Yemen's problems. The main problem we wrote about for Yemen is the lack of clean water. Two solutions I wrote about were recycling water and improving their sewage systems. You can recycle water by using shower buckets and rain barrels. You can also conserve water by saving cooking, bathing, drinking, and greywater instead of discarding it, a little goes a long way. They can improve their sewage systems by using chemicals that aren't toxic and decentralizing their sewage systems. The other problem that we briefly talk about is overgrazing. My solution is to use a grazing chart to make the grazing more efficient and monitor rainfall patterns. We will present our presentations next class.


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