Country Solution Presentation

Today in class we presented our country solution projects. We were the second group to go. I presented my slide on the solution for Yemen's lack of water problem. After presenting my solutions which were to save water and monitor rainfall patterns, Mr. Schick told me that these solutions wouldn't work in Yemen because their water is not clean enough to do that, and this would only work in the first world countries. He asked me what the annual rainfall is in Yemen and Gabby found that it is 5 inches, which is about how much rain we get in a month, so they are in a drought. After presenting our project, I realized that I should have researched a little further into my solutions and thought about the factors that wouldn't allow these solutions to work. The website I used was based out of Philly, so I should've realized that it probably wouldn't apply to Yemen. I don't think that we will do as well on our project as we wanted, but now I know to research further into our topic. I don't think that we did a bad job on our project, we just could've spent a little more time on it. After our presentation, the rest of their groups presented their projects.


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