5 Religions

Today in class we reviewed what we learned about the five religions that we are going to be tested in the next class. Mr. Schick told us that the test would be a 50 point test where we have to name what religion each question is describing. This should be a pretty easy test if you pay attention and review the powerpoint. To prepare us, Mr. Schick put Sam's quizlet on the board and we went through the flashcards. He should show us the questions, and we would have to state which religion it came from. Sam is going to post her quizlet on her blog so we can all have access to it. Studying her quizlet should be an easy way to ace the test because it has everything on it. I think that I should do pretty well on this test, the only thing is that I missed the class where we took notes about all the religions, so I am going to have to learn about them on my own, which shouldn't be too difficult because of I can look at Mr. Schick's powerpoint and use Sam's quizlet. After we reviewed the quizlet, Mr. Schick told us about some stories about when he worked in the film industry. He told us about the time when a helicopter crashed in the vehicle he was in, but somehow he was safe and unharmed. He also told us about how Macaulay Culkin made him a valentine when he was working on the set of Uncle Buck. After the story about Macaulay Culkin's valentine, the class was over.


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