Time Zone Debate

Today in class Mr. Schick divided us by asking us whether we want to maintain time zones or abolish them, and if you were undecided, you were in a group with everyone else who is undecided. In our groups, we are supposed to prepare a debate on the group that we chose. I chose the maintain time zones side because I feel like our system works the way it is now, so why change it? We spent the rest of the class researching and some of the facts that I found were...

Scientists made different time zones according to how the Earth’s rotation corresponds to the sun
- Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours
- If there weren’t time zones, it’d be dark in some places when it’s light in other places, and that’d be very inconvenient for certain jobs that require sunlight
- The places that are always dark will have to put lights everywhere and they will have to be very powerful, this would require a lot of electricity that doesn’t need to be used.

Our debate is going to be on Friday.


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