Test Prep

Today in class we talked about what will be on our test tomorrow. Mr. Schick told us that the first 15 questions will be questions that we will have to look up in the CIA World Factbook in 20 minutes. He told us that we won't need to write full sentences, there's just going to be a blank that we fill in. After those questions, we are going to have multiple-choice questions on the topics that we covered in the population and settlement powerpoint. We went through the powerpoint today, and Mr. Schicck asked us what questions he might put on the test from looking at the powerpoint. One of the questions was why do women have a higher life expectancy than men. We talked about this yesterday, but no one could remember all of the reasons, the only ones we could remember were that women go to the doctors more and that men typically have riskier jobs. He told us that we will have to name two reasons for the test. He also told us that we are going to have to name two pulling forces and two pushing forces of different countries. We will have to prepare for this tonight by doing some research on the world factbook. After we reviewed what will be on the test, we had 15 minutes to write our blogs.


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