Quiz/Time Zones

Today in class we had a quiz on the maps of the Americas. I feel like a did pretty well on the test, I may have mixed up a few countries. I felt like I did a good job of preparing for the quiz and it was a very straightforward quiz. After the quiz, we learned about time zones. We talked about how every country is able to have its own system of time zones, even though the most logical way of spilting up time zones would be to divide the time zones by splitting up every 15 degrees. We talked about how time zones don't make any sense, but we are used to them, so it's normal for us. We learned that Austrailia splits their time zones by 30 minutes instead of 1 hour which most everyone else does. Mr. Shick also told us that North Korea also recently changed its time zones by 30 minutes. We also discussed how it's weird that the days change in the middle of the night rather than the morning. It's also strange that 12:00 is the start of the day, and not 1, which we use to start everything else. The class ended with people giving their opinions on how they think that the time zones work.


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