Population Pyramid

Today in class we finished reviewing our population and settlement test, then we watched the Ted-Ed video on population pyramids. Since we only got through the first page of the test last class, we quickly went through the other three pages of the test. After that, we played "okay, stop" while we watched the Ted-Ed on population pyramids. Mr. Schick had us take some notes on the video, but since I had already watched the video last class and took notes, I didn't have much to copy down. I learned that rapidly growing populations are pre-industrial, slowly growing populations are industrial, and decreasing populations are post-industrial. As we were talking about the different groups of reproduction, we went back to the topic of birth rates in countries due to certain circumstances. Some of the circumstances being no access to birth control/condoms in some places, and religious beliefs that are against the use of birth control. We also talked about how nowadays families consist of 1-3 children, but back during the baby boomer times, everyone had at least four children or more. Now there are more job opportunities for women, and they don't have time to have all of these children that women used to have. Class ended with one minute left of the video, which we'll finish next class.


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